View our local and global gift opportunities or visit our Christmas table in person Sundays. Your contributions to Kingdom Builders this Christmas Season will meet the practical needs of people in our region and abroad.
Christmas Hamper
Every year, we have the privilege of spreading hope and joy by providing food hampers to local families, seniors, and First Nations communities.
Each hamper blesses individuals and families with staple food items for a Christmas dinner, a grocery gift card, and a gingerbread house kit for the kids—helping make the season extra special.
If you'd like to request a hamper, you can do so here.
Your generosity makes this possible. The suggested donation is $100. Please select “Kingdom Builders” when you give below.
Outreach Bible
It is a joy to place a Bible in the hands of someone eager to receive it! In 2024, Coastline Church surpassed our anticipated Bible budget by mid-year—and we continued giving away hundreds more Bibles to those open to exploring God’s Word.
With a suggested donation of $20, you can help provide a Farsi Bible or children’s Bible, sharing the hope of Scripture with those who long to read it. Please select “Kingdom Builders” when you give below.
Extreme Outreach
We’re thrilled to partner with Extreme Outreach, a local not-for-profit working to break the cycle of homelessness, poverty, and addiction by providing free services to families in our community. Through their Christmas outreach event, we have the chance to make a meaningful difference together. [Find out more about Extreme Outreach here].
With a suggested donation of $25, you can fill a stocking for a local youth or provide a sports ball—small gifts that bring big joy! Please select “Kingdom Builders” when you give below.
Seeds for Coastline Farm
Food insecurity is an ever-growing concern our communities. That’s why Coastline’s free food Mini-Markets bring fresh food directly to neighbourhoods.
Coastline Farms plays a key role in this by supplying farm-fresh produce—often harvested the same day—to our Mini-Markets, helping to meet immediate needs.
With a suggested donation of $10, you can provide the seeds to help the farm grow and nourish our communities in 2025. Please select “Kingdom Builders” when you give below.
The Cridge Transition House
This Christmas, we’re honoured to purchase gifts for women and children at The Cridge Centre for the Family, supporting those transitioning from vulnerable and abusive situations. We’re grateful for the chance to show the love of Jesus to those who need it most in our community.
With a suggested donation of $50, you can help make this season a little brighter for these families. Please select “Kingdom Builders” when you give below.
Newcomer’s Christmas Banquet
Every December, we have the joy of hosting newcomers to Canada at a special Christmas banquet, sharing the warmth and festivities of the season. For families spending Christmas far from loved ones and familiar traditions, this event is a chance to experience community, friendship, and the joy of Coastline Christmas traditions.
With a suggested donation of $50, you can sponsor a family to attend the Newcomers’ Christmas Banquet and create memories of joy, belonging, and celebration. Please select “Kingdom Builders” when you give below.
Angel Tree
Angel Tree Christmas is a program through Prison Fellowship Canada that seeks to create moments of joy and reconciliation for children of incarcerated parents at Christmas time. Prisoners apply for their child to receive a gift, and we purchase and mail the gift on the parent’s behalf!
Visit our Christmas table on Sundays to pick up a child’s profile to shop for.
ERDO Christmas Catalogue
Give a gift this Christmas that has a lasting, meaningful impact! Provide hope for tomorrow to families across the world through ERDO’s Christmas Gift Catalogue.
Search through the online catalogue below or pick one up at our Christmas table on Sunday to make a donation.
Kingdom Builders is our way of bringing the Good News of the gospel to all nations through a generous church that is passionate about building God's Kingdom. It is our above-and-beyond giving that funds Kingdom projects at home and around the world. It allows our money to go where we never could and to see good work done in Jesus' name.
This year, our goal is to raise $1.1 Million for Kingdom Builders!
Kingdom Builders invests in missionaries, ministries and organizations across the world who are doing strategic work with those who need it most. They are reaching the lost, serving the poor, planting churches and building the Kingdom of God. As Kingdom Builders, we believe that we are blessed to be a blessing and we give so that ALL may hear!
Through Kingdom Builders, we support key missions projects such as providing vehicles and humanitarian aid, church planting, resources and pastoral development. Everyone, in every nation, deserves a chance to hear the Gospel.
Kingdom Builders is committed to funding the growth of the church locally through expanding our own campuses, planting life-giving, Spirit-filled churches in our communities and ministering to those in need in our own backyards.
Kingdom Builders believes in training our future Christian leaders by fostering a love for the Bible, God and the lost. Our Kingdom Builders partnerships work with organizations that care for the physical and spiritual needs of our future leaders from birth through those beginning their careers, including training for vocational ministry.
We give to impact lives for eternity, and we sacrifice now to see God’s kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven.
2022 RECAP
Pray for vision of what God could do through you and what your Kingdom Builders commitment should be. Join us in praying for all our kingdom projects.
Make a plan to give above and beyond your tithe and see what God will do when you trust Him with your finances. Together we can make such a difference.
Give to Kingdom Builders online or etransfer to and mention “Kingdom Builders” in the notes.