Covid Relief in Bangladesh
Covid Relief for Bi-Vocational Pastors of PAOB (Pentecostal Assemblies of Bangladesh)
Arjun Das (35) is working as a bi-vocational pastor of PAOB since 2014 and has planted 14 churches in his working area. He is a cobbler by profession, and his wife helps him with his work. They have two sons and a daughter. Arjun’s family depends on daily income. They need to work very hard and long to manage two meals for the entire family. But Arjun feels blessed thinking that he can serve the Lord, helping him manage his children’s education and one additional feed for the day as a blessing from the Heavenly Father. However, COVID-19 had a terrible impact on Arjun’s family. During the lockdown he was not allowed to go outside, he could not work. He could manage only 4 to 6 customers per day. There was no income from churches as members stopped to provide offerings due to not having jobs themselves. Managing even one meal had become very difficult. Arjun submitted all the pain and agony of his family to God to believe that He will take care of them.
The Lord has shown His Mercy through showering blessings upon Arjun’s family. PAOB, as an angel of the Lord, has supported bi-vocational pastors of PAOB. Arjun and other pastors have received a precious gift of financial support that helped their families during this crisis period. Arjun is highly blessed to receive the gift of love. His happiness cannot be explained in words. He is so grateful to PAOB that he burst out into tears during the gift distribution. He brought plenty of food for his family. He is thankful to PAOB and praises the Lord, the father, to show them His presence in their everyday life.