Back to School Event
Each year, as the summer begins to draw to a close in late August, the excitement begins to build for the Cridge Back-to-School BBQ Event. Through this annual event, GT Church has been able to bless families from the Cridge Centre with backpacks full of school supplies for elementary, middle and high school students gearing up for the new school year. In the past, the Cridge Back-to-School event has included haircuts for the kids, children’s activities, and face painting to round out a fun afternoon of food and festivities for the families in transitional housing at the Cridge Centre.
This year, with the help of Kingdom Builders, we were able to increase our backpack giveaway to include families from the Quadra Village Community and additional families that were receiving food hampers throughout the pandemic. In total for 2021, we were able to distribute 115 backpacks! What a way to connect with families and help their children with a positive start to the new school year.
-Will Wild, Director of Community Engagement and Missions